Sport Control Windows... (hockey Profile)

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Sport Control Windows... (hockey Profile)

Post by DanCaron »

hi Guys,
first, I would like to begin to thank you.
is it possible to fix the control window to allow us to see all the buttons?
Capture d’écran 2022-12-14 083136.png
Capture d’écran 2022-12-14 083136.png (239.99 KiB) Viewed 61666 times


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Re: Sport Control Windows... (hockey Profile)

Post by livescore-team »

Hi Dan :)

thank you for your kind words
great you like it

you would just need to stretch. the window
they are centered in the middle of the form
or is your resolution too low to see everything?
could that be?


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Re: Sport Control Windows... (hockey Profile)

Post by DanCaron »

Thank you for the quick reply.

On Windows Display Setting, Under the "Scale and layout" section,
I use the drop-down menu and selected the scale settings. By Default, i was 150%
I reduced to 125%
And , I now see all the buttons

For answer
I think this Panel content is fixed. Nothing append when I change the windows size...

thanks again


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Re: Sport Control Windows... (hockey Profile)

Post by livescore-team »

Hi Dan

great thats its working now

yeah its fixed in the center, thats what I meant,
but I guess we talk about the same thing :)

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